Bringing New Life to Event Banners at Rainforest World Music Festival

By: Supriya Sivabalan
From sustainable event management to sustainable gifting, the Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) is doing the “impossible” through its collaboration with Biji Biji and Biji-biji Initiative by challenging the norms of unsustainable practices at large events. RWMF is one of the biggest international music festivals in the region. Known for its wide range of performances - from traditional music to contemporary world music -, cultural and craft displays, music workshops and traditional food stalls - RWMF also receives high recognition for its commendable efforts in incorporating sustainable elements during the event.
Upcycled Banner Bags With Biji Biji
Partnering with Biji Biji since 2016, RWMF presents one of the most unique gifts you will ever find in a festival to its VIPs. Don’t expect to see the basic glass plaque and glossy paper certificate handed out here as their collaboration with Biji Biji allows them to provide sustainable alternatives as a token of their appreciation to their guest of honours. Seeing as the festival uses tons of Tarpaulin Banners for festival advertising around the compound, Biji Biji offered the ingenious solution to put this material to good use. Thus, this allows RWMF to stay true to its goal of sustainability through this collaboration of producing the banner bags. A big kudos to the RWMF team for making informed decisions as it brings real positive impact to the typical practice of mindless waste-creation during large events like RWMF!
“How do we that?”, you ask. Essentially, the banners that are displayed all over during the festival will be collected by Biji Biji employees and are shipped back to Kuala Lumpur to start production. They are then thoroughly cleaned and left to dry before the tailoring process begins.
Our Master Tailors hard at work with the RWMF Banners!
From banners.... Tote Bags!
After finalizing the preferred bag dimensions, the banners then go through a tedious and intricate sewing process by our Master Tailor, and are magically transformed into sturdy, gorgeous totes - the perfect, quirky piece for a quick shopping trip or a casual outing! Not to mention, the perfect gift for such a fabulous event. Why settle on less?
Simply stunning upcycled totes from the 2017 RWMF banners
Mini details of the RWMF tote to spice up the already interesting banner totes!
Across the past 5 years, an astounding 2500 sqft worth of banners were used to make 1800 bags that were distributed at the festival. 1800 bags, handed out to 1800 people, being utilised instead of adding unnecessary waste to our landfills.
Looking to style an upcycled banner as well? We have products ready for order on our website, eagerly waiting to be a part of your wardrobe. These one-of-a-kind banner products are specially crafted by the Biji Biji Ethical Fashion team, brainchild of Biji-biji Initiative.
Showcasing the Biji Biji seatbelt collection at RWMF 2016!
The Biji-biji Initiative
Apart from upcycled tote bags, the festival also adopts other practices implemented by the Biji-biji Initiative team to ensure a green environment. Since 2017, Biji-biji identified 5 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that can be applied to RWMF.
These goals include;
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12 : Ensure sustainable consumption and production
Goal 17 : Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
Recycling and Food Waste Management
Across the festival grounds, Biji-biji Initiative in collaboration with Trienekens Sdn Bhd, provide green waste stations to boost recycling efforts. Green warriors representing Biji-biji as well as volunteers from local university students were also ready to assist the public with their waste segregation and educate them on the different type of wastes.
All smiles from our excited Biji-biji family!